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Inspired from an ancient Indian recipe. Well-known to Ayurveda as one of the most potent natural cures and most powerful immune boosters from centuries. Organic certified, 100% natural and whole ingredients.


Bee honey mixture with 100% organic and natural ingredients.

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Adress of Health

The mission of foundation Andonovo is to share with you how easy
and accessible the healthier food and lifestyle chioces are, as well as
how to detox your body on every level - phisical, spiritual and mental.

The mission of foundation Andonovo is to share with you how easy
and accessible the healthier food and lifestyle chioces are, as well as
how to detox your body on every level - phisical, spiritual and mental.

  • Healthy &

    journey in Andonovo's world.

  • Love, affection
    & devotion

    to every detail of our products.

  • Valuable

    on healthier lifestyle.

Mission of foundaton Andonovo

The inspiration behind the Andonovo foundation comes out of the combination of personal experience and our dedication to always look for the balance that helps us reach our goals on the path of leading a healthier life. Finding this balance can be hard and the enormous volume of information available online are not making it easier. The information online is simply too much and many time even contradictive. Our goal is to synthesize the information available and to share it with you though an easy to understand language.

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