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Inspired from an ancient Indian recipe. Well-known to Ayurveda as one of the most potent natural cures and most powerful immune boosters from centuries. Organic certified, 100% natural and whole ingredients.


Bee honey mixture with 100% organic and natural ingredients.

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Lemon bars

5 мин.

5 мин.


5 мин.

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In a kitchen robot - mix dates and nuts until a dough-like consistency is formed.

The walnuts can be replaced with any nuts or even oat bran or pumpkin seeds.

In a 8x8 size baking pan covered with baking paper, spread and press the dough to the bottom to give a uniform layer. Do it with slightly moistened hands so that it does not stick.

In the kitchen robot, put the coconut milk with the rest of the ingredients, lemon juice and peel, turmeric and coconut oil until smooth and creamy.

Sweeten with maple syrup or two forms, but remember that the pad is sweet too.

Put the lemon mixture on the peel and refrigerate for at least an hour.

Cut into bars.

Store in a refrigerator for up to one week.



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